With our Calendly Integration, scheduling follow up meetings with customers is a breeze - you will be able to include a Calendly link into:
- Email Templates
- Workflows
- Survey Question
Getting Started
- Click App Store > Discover > Calendly
- Click on the "Set up" button
The Calendly Link must be the FULL URL (ex: https://calendly.com/asknicely)
The Display Text is how you want your Calendly hyperlink to read as a clickable link in Workflows and Templates
Now that the integration is connected, let's go through a few different ways to utilize it.
Calendly in Reply Templates
Save yourself time by creating skeleton templates that include your Calendly link in them.
From the Responses Page, click in a Response card you want to reply to.
Clicking on Reply Template opens a list of default and custom replies including the Calendly-themed template. The message is filled with a default response and can be edited by clicking on the pencil mark.
Calendly in Workflows
On the main Workflows page, you can scroll down to see the Calendly link.
The default wording is shown above. Both the "Linked Calendar" and the "Display Text" are pulled from the configuration of the Integration. If other users with valid Calendly links
Clicking "Insert Calendly Link" will put the link into the Body section of the email wherever your cursor has indicated.
Please note that only one (1) Calendly link can be used in a single Workflow.
If you try to add multiple links, when the email sends all of the {calendly_link}
fields you put into the workflow will display as the last link you inserted.
Calendly in your Survey Template
If you have Additional Questions as part of your plan, you can add a Calendly Question into your survey. (Please contact support@asknice.ly if you need this feature to be turned on.)
To add a Calendly link, click on "+New Question" on the Surveys > Survey tab, then select "Calendly Link". This will provide you with an open text box along with the Calendly URL that is the default in your integration:
If they choose "Find a Time", the Calendly options show up inside of the survey. If they book a meeting, they will receive a booking confirmation once complete:
Calendly Integration FAQ's
Can I use Calendly Integration in SMS workflows? You are unable to use Calendly links in SMS Workflows; however, you are able to send a Reply Template to an SMS customer that does contain the Calendly Links.
Can I include multiple Calendly links in a single workflow? You cannot - if you try then all links will show the last URL you added.
What about multiple Calendly Links in a single Reply Template? You can! The only caveat is that if you try to include {custom_calendly_link} more than once, with different URLs, it will not work - they will only send the last URL you included in that section.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to click the Intercom button on the bottom right hand side of this article. Let us know if you come up with any other creative uses for this integration!