AskNicelyTV is a wonderful tool for sharing your results with your broader organization on a large monitor or screen. See this article on how to set up the physical TV. Once you've done that, read on to understand how to configure your settings.
Changing the Filters
To change the AskNicely Dashboard and what is showing, click on the triple bar menu in the top left corner of the AskNicely TV screen:
It will provide you with the following options:
- Saved Filters: For any saved views/filters that you've created on the normal AskNicely Dashboard.
- Period: Defaults are 30 days, 7 days, 24hrs.
- Leaderboard: Allows you to select one of your custom data points to view.
- Hide empty responses: If there are any scores with no comments, this will hide them from AskNicely TV.
- Hide names: If AskNicely TV is being shown in a public place, this is may be a good idea depending on the level of transparency and adoption across your organization.
- Hide email addresses: 100% recommend that you hide this if it is being shown in a public place.
- Enlarge responses text: Doubles the size of the font.
- Dashboard Title: You can customize what you want the Dashboard to be titled - per the example below, the title was changed to "Jarvis AskNicely TV". (The default is "Real Time Net Promoter Score".)
Advanced Custom Views
If you want to expand your date ranges, you can create a Saved Filter. If you leave AskNicelyTV active, your Saved Filter will remain your primary view.
Selecting the "Configure Slideshow" link will show you the default looping views. You can delete or edit the duration that each view shows. If you would like to have your custom views the primary looping views, you can paste the URLs on this page.
Additional customization can be created by revealing the URL of the AskNicelyTV Slideshow. Simply edit the URL in your navigation bar to remove the /slideshow
Reach out to our Support Team to assist you with possibly adding additional customized views.