The Dashboard is the first thing you’ll see when you log in to AskNicely - this is the your hub for exploring, grouping, categorizing, slicing, and dicing your NPS responses by whatever factors you please.
Everything is clickable, and is designed to give you an up-to-the-moment, at-a-glance summary of what your Customer Experience is like. Is it is peppered with joyful moments? Hindered by fixable roadblocks? Kinda... blah? Seeing breakdowns of these aggregated, grouped responses will give you an immediate insight into how your organization is performing from the customer's perspective.
Let’s take a look at what you can expect to find on your dashboard.
a) Navigation Bar
b) Dashboard Menu
c) Filter Bar
d) NPS display
e) Leaderboards
f) Response Quick View
g) AskNicely TV Button
The Navigation Bar (a)
The Navigation Bar is visible on every page of AskNicely. From here, you can quickly jump to the main parts of your AskNicely platform. Different user access levels will have different buttons, so your visibility may vary. Below we have noted the visibility with typical user roles.
Navigation Bar Icons
- Dashboard - View your responses here.
- Response Page - Filter all responses, send Reply Templates or Workflows to your contacts, and download all of your responses to Excel.
- Contacts Page (Admin only) - This is your "database" of your contacts.
- Workflows (Admin only) - These are automated emails that get sent out depending on rules you set. They can be internal "Alerts", or customer-facing replies (example: Get More Reviews or Follow Up Blank Comments.)
- Send Page (Admin only) - The place to set up a Send Scheduler for your surveys, or to configure "Web Surveys" for your organization's website.
- Survey (Admin Only) - This page allows you to customize the look & feel of your Survey Template, or add other Survey Templates as needed.
- App Store - The App Store contains add-on functionality (the "Discover" option from the sub-menu on the left) or "Integrations" for importing your contact data.
- Settings - Where you can set up and configure your individual instance of AskNicely.
Dashboard Menu (b)
Sections of the Dashboard Menu:
- Overview: The main dashboard/home page
- Leaderboards: A ranking based on data points that you track in AskNicely. For example, you might look by customer tier, and find that your Gold-Level customers are rating you higher than your Bronze-level customers. This is sometimes used to show NPS as connected to specific representatives.
- Themes: Breaks your NPS score down by themes in comments, as analyzed by our keyword detection.
- Questions: This will show the list of questions asked and the data associated with them. If you have our Additional Questions package, each of your questions will be displayed here.
Note: If you use the same question title in multiple surveys with Additional Questions, the answers to that question will be aggregated together under this questions section. - Reports: Features at-a-glance information including survey statistics.
The Filter Bar (c)
Located in the top center of the screen, the Filter Bar is a treasure trove of information that allows you to pick and choose the specific data you're looking for.
Date Filter (1) Filter your data based on date range. These dates are based from the current date. Some Options include:
- Year to Date
- Today
- One week or two weeks
- 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months
- Specific months
- Custom: Allows you to pick any start and finish date.
Note: You must select both a Start and End Date for the filters to work.
Add Filter (2) Add a filter specific to any point of data you track in AskNicely
General Filters include:
- NPS Type: Promoter, Passive, Detractors
- NPS Comments: Has Comment or None
- Notes: Has Notes or None
- Messaged: Messaged, Messaged & Replied, Not Messaged
- Published: Whether their comment is Published as "Testimonial" or not.
- Conversation Status: Open or Closed
- Hashtag: Any internal hashtags you've used to track data will show up here.
Custom Filters populate based on the Custom Data Fields that you bring in with your Contacts data. Each value in a Custom Data Field is searchable only as a singular data point.
My Filters (3) If you’re constantly finding yourself adding similar filters over and over again, try saving your filters to quickly change you view and filters. A word of warning though - it is easy to forget these filters are there, so if you're wondering where some of your data went, check here first!
- Hot Tip: All of your Saved Filters are also available to you in the Responses Page as well as your AskNicelyTV
NPS Display (d)
This panel displays your survey results at a glance, including response rates, totals, and trends. All elements, including the the graph update according to the filters set at the filter bar.
- NPS Score and total difference during the date period selected
- Date Period - this can be adjusted by clicking the "Date Filter" dropdown, found at the top of your screen just to the left of the "+ADD FILTER" button.
- Line Graph showing data points (gap between data points expands with the Date Period)
- General Response Data--shows responses timestamped for the Date Period
- Line Graph Legend
- Collapse and Expand the Graph
Industry Benchmark
If you have selected an Industry from our list of Industry Categories, you will see a dotted purple line representing the average NPS score for that segment. To change your Industry, please reach out to our Customer Success team.
Benchmarking data is refreshed on a monthly basis with rolling improvements of Industry segments.
Leaderboards (e)
Leaderboards are NPS rankings based on the Custom Data that you bring into AskNicely. Any data point that you track can be displayed on a leaderboard, as long as there are more than 5 responses attached to it.
You can click on the items in the leaderboard, and the responses on the right side will filter to only include responses relevant to that element on the leaderboard.
For example, if JarvisAir wants to see their responses and comments from contacts who booked via the app only, they can just click that line on the leaderboard.
Response Quick View (f)
On the far right side of the page you'll get a quick view of the most recent responses that have come into your account. It will also auto update as you click on/off Filters, Leaderboards, or any Questions.
Clicking any of the responses will open that response in Response Chat.
AskNicely TV (g)
Click the TV Button in the top right to open the AskNicely TV Menu, where you can launch or configure your AskNicely TV slideshow.