There are two options for updating AskNicely survey responses:
- How can a survey recipient update or change their score?
- How can an AskNicely Admin/User update, change, or delete a response for someone?
How can an end user update/change their score?
- If your Topics question has "What's the main reason for your {answer}?": the {answer} will appear as a drop down. which allows the user to pick a different score.
- If the user re-takes the survey from a different IP, different browser, or their browser didn't cache the survey page, this will not work.
- Survey Expire: If this is turned on for any of your Survey Templates, your survey will have an expiration date; that means, your contacts won't be able to update/change their score after "x" number of days. (You set "x" on the Survey Template "Survey Start" page.)
- Restrict score update: If this is turned on (Settings > Account > Settings), it won't allow for a new score to be submitted 30min after the original score.
Changing Responses: "How to" for AskNicely Admins
If a customer informs you that they meant to give a different score and you would like to change it, AskNicely admins can go to the Responses page to make edits.
1. Find the response you want to edit - you can search by email address in the top right search bar on the Responses page.
2. Once you have found the response, click the “...” button in the response window.
3. Select “Edit.”
4. From the Edit page, simply change the score number and then scroll down to hit the blue “Save” button.
5. Once you have changed the score, AskNicely will add an internal note onto that response denoting the original score.
You can also click "Delete" - we don't really recommend this too often. If you delete a Response, your "Surveys Sent" number won't go down by one. It will still record that as a Sent Survey, so doing this a lot will start to mess up your analytics.
Final word on the matter - people make mistakes, and incorrect scores will happen! What's important is what you do with the responses - good, bad, and indifferent. If someone accidentally scores you a 0 and it starts a conversation, that's a great opportunity to check in and make sure things are going the way they should. It's always a better use of your time to take action by connecting with your customer vs. spending precious time correcting reporting. If you need help making changes, please reach out!