Your team could get thousands of survey responses when using AskNicely- it’s important to be able to analyze the feedback you're getting at a high level without having to group similar comments manually.
Themes allow you to automatically categorize responses based on keywords customers are using in their response to your survey question with the key of "comment." Creating a theme bucket for those words lets you quickly see what your customers are talking about, and what is making your customers most happy (or unhappy).
Finding and Creating New Themes
You can view your theme buckets on your Dashboard, by clicking Themes (a) over to the left. Theme Buckets, and the response %, exclude responses with blank comments.
To add a new Theme, click +Add New Theme (b) at the bottom of the list.
Add in any words that are related to that theme, and click Save. This will analyze all your comments (within the filtered date range), and provide a breakdown of the NPS for each of these themes.
The AskNicely default Themes are "price", "service", and "speed", but these can be changed based on your company’s needs. You can add or remove specific words from these default themes, or remove a theme entirely if you want.
If you’re struggling to get started on themes and what keywords to choose, you can navigate to the Keywords page from the left column of your Dashboard by clicking Reports and then Keywords. This will display commonly used words by promoters and detractors.
You can add these popular keywords to existing Themes, or create new ones.
Isolating words
If you're using a word that is found in other words—for example, "river" can be found in "driver" and "screwdriver"—you can isolate the word by putting brackets { }
around the word, like {river}
. This will pull in responses with only the isolated word, and not other words that contain it.
Detecting Phrases
You may want Themes to tabulate a specific phrase (ie. "service center") as opposed to individual words. To do so, utilize the brackets variable { }
around the phrase in a NEW Theme, specifically for that phrase. You may add on individual words or isolated words to the Theme to better capture Responses as needed.