When you integrate AskNicely and Salesforce, an "AskNicely Response" custom object is added to your Salesforce org. As responses are received from your contacts, we create AskNicely Response records.
If you would like to view all responses in one place, you can add a tab in Salesforce that lists them all.
Here's how:
For Lightning Experience:
- Within Setup, select PLATFORM TOOLS > User Interface > Tabs
- Add a new custom object tab for object "AskNicely Response".
- Within Setup, select PLATFORM TOOLS > Apps > App Manager
- Find your app (e.g. "LightningSales") in the list and edit it.
- On the SELECT ITEMS tab, move “AskNicely” from Available Items to Selected Items
For Salesforce Classic:
- Within Setup, select Build > Create > Tabs
- Add a new custom object tab for object "AskNicely Response".
- Click the + in the top tab bar.
- Click <Customize My Tabs>.
- Move “AskNicely” from Available Tabs to Selected Tabs.
Please reach out to our awesome Support Team (support@asknice.ly) if you have questions.