By downloading your "Surveys Sent" history, you'll able to see who's opened/seen a survey and who's left a score/comment. This is different than downloading Responses from the Response page and downloading Active contacts from the Contacts page - it's a merging of the two with the addition of also seeing who has not yet seen or responded to your surveys.
There are three ways to download this information: the easiest, by far, is to go to your Contacts page, click the "Actions" Dropdown, then click "Download Surveys Sent." This will immediately download a spreadsheet of your sent surveys.
For the more technologically inclined of you, you can also download the data as a spreadsheet via API call, or you can make an API call that returns data in the JSON format. Read on to understand these three options.
Option 1. One-click download from the Contacts page
As mentioned above, the easiest way to see your Sent Survey data is to go to your Contact page, click the "Actions" Dropdown, then click "Download Survey Sent." This will immediately download a spreadsheet of your sent surveys.
Note: Per the screenshot below: the "-1" scores in the "answer" column means that they did NOT submit a survey response. You'll notice rows 4, 5, 6 all have -1 with no opened date, which means they haven't seen the email. Row 7 shows an opened date, which means they opened the email but did not respond. This download will include ALL custom data points that you have on your AskNicely Contact data.
Option 2. API call to download surveys sent as a spreadsheet
You can view all of our example API Documentation here.
You have the option to download your Surveys Sent History via an API call - this does the same thing as the "Download Surveys Sent" button above, but with the ability to add or modify the API call arguments.
To do this, modify the following URL by adding your AskNicely domain and API key into the URL, then pasting it into your browser:
The part of your AskNicely website address that comes before ""
API key
Found by clicking the Cog Wheel in the lower left of AskNicely (Settings), then clicking "Show API Key" underneath your name at the top of the screen.
Your final URL will look something like this:
The URL is presuming your domain=Jarvis and the API key=123abc
Hot Tip: The 10000 in this link indicates the number of surveys you want to download: you can change this number as needed, either more or less. Other components can be modified as needed - please review the API documentation in your platform or contact our Support Team if you have specific needs.
Now, if you put that URL into your browser (i.e. Chrome or Firefox), it'll immediately download an Excel file.
Option 3. Getting your historical data in a json request
We will use the exact same method as the API spreadsheet download method above. The only change is that right after 100000/1/0, we need to change "excel" to "json" - that's it!
Here's a snapshot of how that data shows up on a web page format: