With AskNicely, you can send your favorite comments to a carousel on your public-facing marketing website with the click of a button.
This feature is called “Testimonials” - This article will tell you how to choose a comment to be a testimonial, and how to embed the carousel in your site.
Click here to see this in action on AskNicely's website.
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Preparing Your Testimonial Template
Publishing a Testimonial from a Response
Excluding Previously Published Testimonials
Setting Up Your Testimonial Carousel
Once you’ve set up your template and had a few customers accept, you can show off those Testimonials on your website by embedding AskNicely’s Javascript widget.
We recommend that your testimonials live on a public-facing marketing website on their own dedicated page. You can dictate the number of Testimonials that will display on the carousel at any one time. The default setting is set to 3 Testimonials. If you select the maximum amount (99 Testimonials at once) the Carousel will continue to expand and eventually cover-over any text below the testimonial widget.
For this reason, we also recommend waiting until you have a few positive reviews to share before you make this page; you probably don’t want an empty testimonials carousel!
To start the setup process, navigate to the Testimonials section of the Settings page:
- Click the Cog Wheel to open the Settings page
- Click Testimonials
- (Optional) Choose your options, if different from the displayed defaults
- Click Update
Below that, you’ll find the javascript to embed in your website to create the carousel (a).
To test out the code, click either of the test buttons (b) to launch it in JSFiddle. If you don’t have any testimonials yet, you can test it using data from AskNicely by clicking Testimonials from AskNicely (c).
Copy the script to embed in your site by clicking Copy Javascript (d).
Continue to scroll down the page for display and filter options that you can use and configure in the JavaScript for your page. Please note that the DIV and SCRIPT tags need to be in the body of the page they are embedded on - they should not be in the header.
If you have any questions about this aspect of setting up your Testimonials, please contact Support using the chat button in the lower right corner, or by emailing support@asknice.ly.
Preparing Your Testimonial Template
To publish a testimonial, you’ll need customer permission. Fortunately, with AskNicely, getting permission is built into the process. Requesting a testimonial uses a response template, almost identical to any other. You can tell it apart because it has a little heart next to it––share the love!
Editing Your Publish Request Template
Like most templates in AskNicely, you might want to customize your Publish Request Template to reflect your company’s voice. Doing so is easy:
- Click any response in AskNicely to launch the reply chat modal.
- Click Reply Template to expand your list of reply templates
- Click the Pencil to the right of the Publish template (the one with the heart)
- Customize the template so that it sounds like your voice and the way you want to connect with your customers.
Note: Make sure the “{publishlink}” tags still exist in the template, or the link to approve publishing won’t be included! You can put any text you like between the tags, and the text will be turned into a link. - Click Save
- Click the X to close the response
Publishing a Testimonial from a Response
From any page in your AskNicely account:
- Click the chat bubble in the navigation bar to go to the Responses Page.
- Click 🤍Publish under the response you want to publish.
The response will open with your Publish Request Template filled in.
3. (Optional) Make any edits you’d like to the template. These will only affect this email, not your template in general. Make sure to leave the link in the email!
4. Click Send to send this request.
The status on the response changes to "Waiting" until permission is granted or denied.
Once granted, the status will say "Published" and a dropdown will appear. We’ll talk about the options in the dropdown a little further on.
Note: You can also trigger your Publish Request Template from inside the Chat Modal, the same way you’d trigger a normal template.
Excluding Previously Published Testimonials
If there is a response that you no longer want to show in your testimonial carousel, you can hide it with a few clicks.
From the response on the Responses page:
- Click Published
- Click Hide from the drop down menu
This testimonial won’t show again in the carousel until you choose to enable it by following these same steps and clicking show from the drop down menu.