- Notifications Improved consistency of notifications on both Mobile and Desktop
- Survey Links Added the capacity for setting an auto-reloading time on the Survey Links app (kiosk mode)
- SMS Improved the ability to detect landline numbers before sending SMS in order to optimize delivery rates.
- Users Added a new user role toggle to hide internal notes and what workflows have triggered from a response
- Users Added a new user role toggle called Manage Users. This determines if a user role is able to access the “Users” page under Settings.
- Dashboard [For Admins] Email digests can now be configured for an entire user role at once
- Zendesk Push additional question fields back to Zendesk within the Integration Page.
Dashboard The “Download Presentation” button is now more prominent and has had a facelift. In addition, the following changes have been made to the presentation:
- Users can now select the leaderboards that are included
- All filters from the dashboard are applied to the downloaded report
- The score slide now shows email and SMS survey delivery metrics
- The “Why are we here?” and “What is a good NPS?” slides are removed
- The score slide should now show the score from the previous period along with the Company goal.
- The presentation now supports all metrics, not just NPS.
- App 3.0 Report cards now show shoutouts and coaching tips received that month
- App 3.0 The visibility of the Inbox tab is now controlled by the “Notices & Playbooks” user role toggle. This was to hide frontline elements from ‘feedback’ customers.
- App 3.0 The customer love/focus area card headings are clickable and take the user to a filtered list of feedback for that user and topic.
- App 3.0 Added a 15-second undo window for sent messages.